When it comes to falling in love, experts say there are six different kind types--
Passionate, Companionate, Game-Playing, Possessive, Logical, Altruistic

Which one is mine?????

Just finished the quiz on the magazine and here comes to the analysis.
What are you like?
You are true Juliet of the dating world, falling quickly and deeply in a way that is all-comsuming and very physical.
There are no grey areas for you and you really believe in love at first sight. If and when you meet your ideal man you expect
love to hit you like a brick and you will happily allow it to absorb all your time, energy and emtions--whatever the consequences in
other areas of your life.

Oh~~~my god~~
The truth is that i don't believe in falling in love at first sight anymore. Especially after being in a few bad relationships.
I should try to become more practical and become someone who bases compatibility on matching values and expectations, leading to security rather than change and excitement.

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